Underwriters Alliance Inc. specializes in providing focused comprehensive employee benefit and Human Resource consulting services across the full spectrum of benefits, including executive compensation, sales compensation, salary administration, performance management, litigation and arbitration support.
Since its inception, Underwriters Alliance Inc. has served midsized to large corporations both locally and nationally, with creative and pragmatic solutions to meet a variety of business needs. The programs we’ve developed often have as their overriding goal the need to attract, retain and reward outstanding talent while controlling the ever increasing costs associated.
Combining a commitment to practical approaches with a dedication to quality. Underwriters Alliance Inc. has earned a reputation for providing sound employee benefit and administration services to its clients with creativity, resourcefulness and professional accountability in all areas.
We work closely with our clients to formulate a strategic direction for their compensation programs that will complement and enhance their ability to achieve the stated business objectives. Once developed, the strategy serves as the baseline upon which a client’s employee benefits program can be evaluated, and the foundation for developing new programs.
Underwriters Alliance Inc. creates solutions that are bold and imaginative, yet practical. Our experts are on top of trends, yet based in sound practice. Our firm is large enough to get the job done quickly and effectively, while small enough to take a very personal and professional interest in each aspect of your company and program.
We recognize the importance of clear, practical and frequent communication with our clients. Most importantly, we focus on listening. Listening to what our clients need and ask for is a fundamental operating philosophy of our professional team… a practice that has contributed greatly to the high level of program success.
Benefits are a philosophy, a strategy, and a solution, as well as a creative compensation and vital business tool. We are professionals at effective program design, implementation and management.
So whether it’s Employee Benefits, WSIB, Labour Relations, HR Management, Pension, Occupational Health and Safety or Actuarial services, Underwriters Alliance provides its clients with focused, seamless, integrated, single stop expertise across the full spectrum of key cost drivers.
Robert Fedak, the owner/principal of Underwriters Alliance brings over 25 years experience in the benefit consulting field. Our staff and consultants are all well experienced experts in various areas of plan design and administration, with a particular focus on medium to large size groups. We research the marketplace for the best plans to meet your group needs then investigate and review all potential products we introduce.