Occupational Health & Safety

Are Health & Safety or WSIB demands distracting you from your core business?

Do you know exactly what you need to do to get accidents and claims under control?

Everyone has limited resources. Do you know which health and safety activities
would deliver the most value for your organization?

You get the benefit of a proven professional without the obligations of an employment relationship. You define and control the costs – we deliver the savings. Our mission is to partner with you to ensure your program gets results and is cost effective.

Health & Safety Services

Program Development

• Customized Health & Safety Programs- we know which elements are “must haves” and how to develop each one to get the most accident prevention value.

• Hazard and Risk Assessments -comprehensive, objective assessments of all aspects of work, taking into account ergonomic, physical, chemical and other hazards, with recommendations to reduce overall risk.

Health and Safety Program Audits

• Audit of your existing program to provide you with a detailed gap analysis and report including next steps toward Workwell, OHSAS 18000 and other standards.

• Independent Auditing to assess compliance with your existing Health & Safety Program Standards.

• Workwell Audits- pre-audit to identify weaknesses, support to ensure compliance.


• Customized Health & Safety Orientation Programs

• Joint Health & Safety Committee Development

• Effective Accident Investigations

• Understanding NEER and top cost containment strategies